All talks on equality between men and women come to a halt when it comes to women’s shoes. There seems to be some sort of intrinsic magnetic attraction between a woman and shoes. Perhaps it’s the reason why most women find an irresistible urge to buy that enticing pair of shoes in the display window without considering the price, consequences or outfit she’ll wear with them. The urge to buy fashionable shoes is so strong in women, that many don’t even care if they need the shoes or not and whether they are in their budget. They simply find ultimate solace in buying the most fashionable and trendiest pair of shoes in town!

Women’s shoes have progressed form being merely practical and protective coverings for the feet to creative and artistic interpretations of fashions, cultures and styles. A woman’s shoes also denote the class she belongs to, her attitude, her mood for the day and in a very subtle manner, they convey sexual messages to members of the opposite gender.

With so much emphasis on shoes and such an intense bond between a woman and her heels, it’s only expected that no shop is passed without being scanned or any websites are left without being trawled by most women, with a similar and unspoken aim of buying the most fashionable and perfect pair of shoes or high heels possible.

I see a pair of shoes I adore, and it doesn’t matter if they have them in my size. I buy them anyway,’ Hollywood actress Keira Knightley once said.